New Look Roofers

Kitchen Remodeling

kitchen Remodeling, we close one door and we made a windows and we took one bow window we made a new framing and we add a custom sliding door . call us: (929)528-1881

Roofing Jobs, Shingles and Flat Roof

we present you several of our roofing works call us: (929)528-1881

New Shingle Roof

Our client asks us for a new roof with new wood, the type of material we used was GAF 25 years warranty call us: (929)528-1881

Singles Roof

If you have ever wondered why the roof is somewhat raised, that is the answer, there is rotten wood, we only change the damaged wood, other companies change even the wood that is in good condition just to make more money. call us: (929)528-1881